There are many opportunities for your company and employees to become involved with Special Olympics Georgia and help our inspiring athletes achieve their goals. Special Olympics Georgia does not receive state funding, nor are we a United Way agency. Our program is free to all athletes and their families.

Special Olympics Georgia depends entirely on donations from individuals, corporations, foundations and civic groups in order to offer our programs year-round throughout the state to our athletes. Your partnership with Special Olympics Georgia will enable us to continue to reach out into your community and provide our services to those in need.

In exchange for your financial investment, your company will receive significant recognition and marketing benefits.  By partnering with Special Olympics, your company will be associated with one of the most established, recognized, respected and trusted brands in the world:

95% brand recognition of Special Olympics within the United States
95% favorability towards the organization
87% believe it’s appropriate for Special Olympics to align with corporate citizens
85% would like to buy a product from a company that supports Special Olympics

(Source:  Performance Research 2001 and focus groups conducted by Penn, Shoen and & Berland Associates, Inc., Nov. 30-Dec. 8, 2006)

We look forward to creating a tailored sponsorship package for your company that fulfills your community outreach goals.

For more information  call (770) 414-9390